
mardi 1 mai 2012

How To Loose Your Belly Fat?

this is a very easy way to loose your belly fat
all you need is this:
take some cabbage papers, cook it with steam, then take that cabbage papers when they hot and put them around your belly and then put towel on them
you will feel fire around your belly and at that moment the hot cabbage papers are burning your belly fat
use this way for more then tow times and you will see the difference

lundi 30 avril 2012

How To Add Chat Box To Your Blog , WordPress , Facebook Page And More

Hi Friend
You want to add chat to your blog or website, its your lucky day because i found this great site that offer you a great chat box just like the one i add it in live chat page, and you can earn money with that. HOW?
Chatroll's tightly-integrated monetization features let you earn revenue by offering premium services to your users.

How do my users pay?
Users pay using Chatroll Credits (Cr). 100 Credits is equal to $1.00. Users can obtain Credits in 2 ways:
  • Credit Card: Purchase up to 2,000 Credits using a credit card.
  • Free: Get between 25 and 2,000 free Credits for completing 3rd party advertising offers.

How To Make Your Girlfriend Love You More?

How to make your girlfriend love you more?
a lot of boys ask this question many times a day, the answer is very simple
surprise her with what she don't expect from you
if she is already with you that'm mean she love the way you are, and to make her to love you more , simple things like this picture for example 
take her to the beach and have great time like those tow couple
be sweet with her and catch her hand every time you go out with her  , girls love that

give her a gift for no reason, when you go out with her buy a teddy bear and give it to her with soft kiss

simple things like this make your girlfriend to love you more and more
i hope i help you

How To Make Black And White Photos And Keep One Color?

Hello Friend
i will show how to make your photos more better like those using Gimp2
i have a video that will show you how to do this using GIMP2 ok all you have to do is click on video and you will go directly to it

dimanche 29 avril 2012

how to fix the errors on the computer and make it faster?

your computer is slaw and full with errors!
you need this
Registry Reviver with license working for ever, Registry Reviver make your computer run faster and fix all errors, its fast , simple and great
go to download page to download it free with license 

How To Download Everything For Free?

Hi, i will show you how to download anything you want for free?
first Download uTorrent
second go to Google and write " anything.torrent "
and you will find a lot of sites have torrent , download the .torrent file and click on it, it will open with uTorrent and your download will start ;)
FOR FREE , with utorrent you can get anything

samedi 28 avril 2012

How Can I Sell My Photos Online?

are you a good photographer , you like to make some extra money online by selling your photos
now you can do that on vectoriel
register for free , publish your photos on the site , and get results $$$

how it look the Pineapple Tree

pineapple is delicious , i love it , but have you wonder how the pineapple tree look like?
this is the first time i see it 

vendredi 27 avril 2012

How to use gimp2 to change photo's backgrounds ?

gimp2 its like Photoshop but its much easier, and allow you to do a lot of stuff
so you like to change your background but you don't know how, this video will show you how much it is easy
click " watch now " to go directly

How Can I Change The Back Ground Of My Photos?

you take a photo of yourself, you look great but the background is not good? I've been in this situation before and i found the solution,  i changed all the background that i didnt like and i was great 
i use photo instrumental to fix everything i didnt like look at this photo for exemple 
yup much younger, you can do this using photo instrumental
and for the background changing GIMP 2 is so great and easy
you can download them for free from here
just go to DOWNLOAD page

Is There Any Real Heroes In The World?

Some think that there is no heroes in this world
well there are a lot of heroes around us, every where there is a hero , But first i like to say that the hero don't have super power , he just a person like me and you but he do things to keep us safe , he live in danger so we can live happy , he is around us , Huts Look At This Photos

How many person die when he try to save us?
How many cop get shoot when he try to stop a crime?
How many person stay awake all night looking for our safety?
Those are the real heroes , w have to show respect for them but i guess they don't get what they deserve, why is that?
i will tell you why, for example spider man, he act the hero roll and he get paid for that thousands and thousands of dollars but Cops, Civil Protection , Fire Men , And many other person they don't get paid 10% of what the actors get!

How To Disable Facebook TimeLine On Google Chrome?

Now there is a new extension To disable facebook, timeline that we all hate
ok when you install this you will see your facebook back normal but your friend will see it timeline

To Disable It , Click 

mercredi 25 avril 2012

Who Is Our First LOVE? Mother Love

love is that amazing feeling that we can't describe , to love someone is to stay with him all the time , to make him happy and live for him, love is great , and our first love is our mother, when we was baby , we cry when she let us alone, we cry at night when we wake and can't find her , we smile when we see her, we love to catch her hand, we love when we lie on her chest and she plays with us , everyone met his first love . . . its his mother


Can A Cat And A Dog Be Friends?

some people think that dogs and cats can't be friends well look at this picture and read the story
the story behind this pic is this :
Every day -at the same time- she waits for him
He comes ... and they go for a walk
Wouldn't be great if we all had friends like this. . . no words needed

they just intuitively reconize the value of each other in their lives and act accordingly
cat and god are friends so why we human fight all time , why can't we do like them and live happy in peace!

How To Make Or Disable Notepad Virus

did your friend send you a notepad virus as a joke XD or you make a notepad virus and by mistake you activate it ! you can disable it very easy just do this:
To disable error (ctrl+shirt+esc) then end process wscript.exe 
Do you want to make simple virus and send it to your friends :P 
this is a simple virus to have fun of your friend

Continually pop out your friend's CD Drive. If he / she has more than one, it pops out all of them!
Type :

Set oWMP = CreateObject("WMPlayer.OCX.7")
Set colCDROMs = oWMP.cdromCollection
if colCDROMs.Count >= 1 then
For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count - 1
For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count - 1
End If
wscript.sleep 5000

Save it as "Anything.VBS" and send it.

mardi 24 avril 2012

what a smile can do?

do you know what a smile can do? just one simple smile can do many things you might don't know
try to smile until 10 am , and let the rest of the day take care of it self , you will have a great day, how?
when you smile your mind and your body will response with you, you will think better and you will feel amazing and very active
ok this is how its going to be let's say we have X , X is walking to his school smiling and Y was going to his job and when he saw X smiling , Y start smiling too , and in his way to work W was walking at the street and he saw Y smiling so W start smiling too . . . its just start with one smile , and then many persons smile too, you should try it , start smiling and make people around you smile
your smile can change the world

what are the FACEBOOK SMILEY codes

Those are the facebooks smiley codes, just copy and past in the chat Winking face book smiley enjoy them

Facebook Happy Smiley FaceFacebook Frown EmoticonFB sticking tongue out nyah nyahBig grin happy face for facebook chatGasp facebook smileyWinking face book smileynerd geeky facebook smiley glassescool hot sunglasses smiley faceGrumpy Angry facebook smiley codesunsure confused fb emoticoncrying sad facebook smiliesevil devil facebook smileyshark facebook emoticonPenguin facebook emoticonangel innocent facebook happy facefacebook kiss emoticonfacebook heart lovekiki japanese facebook smileysquint squinting facebook emoticonconfused dazed fb happy faceupset raging smiley for facebookfacebook pacman smileyfacecontent happy smiley facebookcrackbook robot smileyfaceputnam facebook emoticon42 facebook emoticon
Don't forget to invite your friends

what is the " Life Speech " in Rocky Balboa film

Every person who like watch Rocky Balboa must like the life speech so here it is with the video too

The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbow. It’s a very mean and nasty place and I don’t care how tough you are … It will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it.
You, me or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard you hit. It ‘s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done.

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